Conferences2005X Cryptography and Coding Conference, IMA, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, UK Secants 27, Merton College, Oxford, UK. October 22nd, 2005 IX Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC 2005), Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen (Slides). September 19th-21st, 2005 Quadratic Forms, Linear Algebraic Groups and Related Topics Workshop, Math/Physics, University of Nottingham, UK. September 12th-16th, 2005 Crypto 2005, IACR, Santa Barbara, California, USA. August 14th-18th, 2005 International Workshop in Pairing based Cryptography, Dublin City University, Ireland. June 12th-15th, 2005 Quantum Information, Cryptography & Computation, Math/Physics, University of Nottingham, UK XIII Int Workshop on Security Protocols, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, UK. April 20th-22nd, 2005 Mathematics for Networks (3), Queen Mary College, University of London, UK. March 23rd, 2005 SECANTS 26, RHNBC, University of London, UK. March 5th, 2005 Quantum Data Security Meeting, NUI, Maynooth, Ireland. January 24th-28th, 2005 |