Quantum Information/Computation Quantum Probability Quantum Voting Mathematics Quantum Probability
Reformulating the theory in terms of the Hilbert space L^2(Ω, F , m) with associated filtration L^∞(Ω, F_t , m), (a von Neumann algebra filtration) and conditional expectation (projection) from L^2(Ω, F , m) to L^2(Ω, F_t , m) one may develop a quantum analogue of the classical construction based, for example, on Irving Segals probability gage space (H, A, m) consisting of a Hilbert space H, a von Neumann algebra A, a filtration of von Neumann algebras { A_z}_z and gage m. We consider non-commutative constructions in Clifford and Quasi-Free settings resulting in orthogonal, centred L^2 martingales, obeying isometry properties as stochastic integrals. Representation theorems for such martingales have been established and research is actively being pursued in this and related areas of probability theory. Continued ... |